
     This website was created for a project in English 106 at Purdue University. The Project was to find a society or something about a society that is utopian or dystopian in nature and create a website about the society that uses visual rhetorc and text to convey our message. We chose North Korea as our society and went into detail on why this society is a dystopia. A dytopia is a society that is in a repressed or controlled state and is often created out of the idea of a utopia. This website is intended to give the visitor some general knowledge about North Korea and explain why it is a dystopian society.  


    The authors of the officialsiteofdprk.com are Cody Wilcox and Cody Bahler. Cody Wilcox is a sophomore in the College of Technology from Nashville, IN and is attempting to transfer into the College of Engineering to study either Aerospace or Mechanical Engineering. Cody Bahler is a junior in the School of Business from Wolcott, IN and is also attempting to transfer into the School of Engineering to study Mechanical Engineering.

What is the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea?

     The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is the totalitarian state of North Korea. A totalitarian state is a political system in which the government tries to control every aspect of the citizens lives. North Korea fits the definition of a totalitarian state because it is a closed state that controls many aspects of its citizens lives including things such as what they eat, What music is allowed to be listened, what religion is allowed to be practiced, and many many more things. Because the government of North Korea tries and control the lives of its citizens wherever it is feasible it is a very dystopian society.

Who are the Leaders of North Korea?

   The Democratic People's Republic of Korea has been lead by the Kim family since it became a communist state shortly after World War II. The first leader to come from the Kim family was Kim Il-Sung. He was the leader of the country until he passed away, and at which point his son Kim Jong-Il took power. Kim Jong-Il is currently the head of the executive branch of North Korea while his son Kim Jong-un is expected to take power when he passes away.
      The leadership of The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is more of a dictatorship than a democracy that the name implies. Kim Jong-Il, the current head of state, has as as much power as any dictator does. The people of North Korea are being used to better the lives of the Kim family, which is extremely dystopian.